; Freelancing As A Career ;

Freelancing As A Career

Unemployment is a big problem in Bangladesh. A big number of educated people are unemployed in Bangladesh. Many students are completing their education every year. There are so many graduates are released from their universities after completing their education. A few number of government jobs are created every year which is not sufficient comparing a large number of job seekers. There is not so much job opportunities in private sector also. Foreign investment in Bangladesh is not so much high as expectation. That is also one kind of reason for not creating a sufficient number of jobs. As a result, a large number of educated people are being unemployed every year. This amount of unemployed people is increasing year by year. So it’s become one of the major issues of concern for the government of Bangladesh.

Among the lacking of desired job option, Freelancing can be one kind of excellent solution. Who is involved in Freelancing works is called Freelancer. If anyone takes it seriously, it can be a better income source. Bangladesh can earn a lot of money from Freelancing industry. Like any other type of jobs, Freelancing also needs some specific skills.

At first , what kind of work you want to do, you have to be enough skilled on that. Anyone shouldn’t think about Freelancing if he/she is not properly skilled on that particular work. The one of the main problem in Freelancing field for a number of Bangladeshi Freelancer is that they opened the account in Freelancing marketplaces without being properly skilled on his/her particular work they want to work for. As a result, many buyers have some negative impressions about Bangladeshi Freelancers.

Second more important task is communication. If you want to be a successful freelancer you must have to be very good at communication. Most of the buyers are foreigners in marketplaces. So Freelancers have to communicate with buyers in English. The result is, Freelancers must have to be very good at English.

Time management is one of the most important task in Freelancing. Freelancers must have to submit their works in time. If anyone fails to submit his/her works in the particular timeline, buyer takes it as a major disqualification for the freelancer. So every Freelancer must have to be very much serious about the given timeline from the buyer.

Another most important quality of a Freelancer is patience. Most of the Freelancers will not get any work after opening the account for the first time. Many time after finishing several works many freelancers will not get any work for a long time. In both cases, she/he has to be patient.

There are many types of works are available in Freelancing field such as web design & development, graphic design, software development, digital marketing, content writing, sales & marketing, Administrative support, customer service etc. There are also multiple types of jobs are available in Freelancing marketplaces.

Marketplace is also a matter of fact for Freelancers. All marketplaces are not legit in this field. So Freelancers should open the account by confirming the authenticity of the marketplace. There are so many marketplaces in the Freelancing field such as Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, Toptal, 99designs, PeoplePerHour etc.